Most na Soči is located on a ridge between the confluence of the Soča and Idrijca river. In the past the river beds, cut deeply into the rocky slopes, provide the settlement with ample protection from intruders. The accumulation lake of the Doblar Water Power Plant has filled gorges with water and stretching below the settlement now attracts both fishermen and visitors who can stroll along signposted paths which are panoramic and none too demanding.
Spanien / Balearische Inseln / Mallorca / Son Moll Strand – Webcam Mallorca
Slowenien / Gorenjska / Kranjska Gora / Skigebiet Kranjska Gora | Velika Dolina
Slowenien / Osrednjeslovenska / Polhov Gradec / Live Webcam Polhov Gradec – Slowenien
Italien / Sardinien / Orosei / Marina di Orosei webcam – Strand in Sardinien – Italien
Frankreich / Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur / Marseille / Marseille Webcam Hafen – Frankreich Livecam
Italien / Sardinien / Palau / Porto Pollo Windsurfen und Kitesurfen Live-Webcam – Sardinien – Italien
Kroatien / Lika-Senj / Senj / Live-Webcam Senj Riva – direkt am Meer – Kroatien
Slowenien / Goriška / Kanal ob Soči / Live Webcam Kanal ob Soči – Blick auf den Fluss Soča, Ajba, Bodrež und Ročinj
Italien / Sardinien / Palau / Webcam Strand Porto Pollo Sardinien live kamera