Zagreb – Bana Jelačića platz panorama

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A broad, flagstoned expanse flanked by cafés and hectic with the whizz of trams and hurrying pedestrians, Trg bana Jelačića (Governor Jelačić Square) is as good a place as any to start exploring the city, and is within easy walking distance of more or less everything you’ll want to see. It’s also the biggest tram stop in Zagreb, standing at the intersection of seven cross-town routes, and the place where half the city seems to meet in the evening – either beneath the ugly clock mounted on metal stilts on the western side of the square, or right on the corner of the square and Gajeva (a corner colloquially known as “Krleža” after the bookshop that once stood here).


Live-Kreisverkehr Slavonska und Marin Držić Avenue zur Zagreb Webcam

Kroatien / Gespanschaft Zagreb / Zagreb - Center / Live-Kreisverkehr Slavonska und Marin Držić Avenue zur Zagreb Webcam

Zoo Zagreb – Erdmännchen

Kroatien / Gespanschaft Zagreb / Zagreb - Center / Zoo Zagreb – Erdmännchen

Webcam live Zagreb – Ban Jelačić Platz

Kroatien / Gespanschaft Zagreb / Zagreb - Center / Webcam live Zagreb – Ban Jelačić Platz

Zagreb Camp – See Rakitje

Kroatien / Gespanschaft Zagreb / Agram / Zagreb Camp – See Rakitje

Zoo Zagreb – Haubenkapuziner

Kroatien / Gespanschaft Zagreb / Zagreb - Center / Zoo Zagreb – Haubenkapuziner

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Kroatien / Gespanschaft Zagreb / Agram / Sljeme – Ski-Zentrum in der Nähe von Zagreb

Webcam Maksimir-Park – Zagreb

Kroatien / Gespanschaft Zagreb / Zagreb - Center / Webcam Maksimir-Park – Zagreb

Ban Jelačić Platz  Live webcam Zagreb – Hotel Dubrovnik

Kroatien / Gespanschaft Zagreb / Zagreb - Center / Ban Jelačić Platz Live webcam Zagreb – Hotel Dubrovnik

Zoo Zagreb – Kalifornischer Seelöwe

Kroatien / Gespanschaft Zagreb / Zagreb - Center / Zoo Zagreb – Kalifornischer Seelöwe

Zagreb – Jarun – Wakeboard & Wakeskate

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Zadar – Brücke

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Trieste – Platz Borsa

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Pula – Zlatna Vrata / Sergierbogen

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Live Webcam Pyramiden von Gizeh und die Sphinx

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Aquileia – Capitolo Platz

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Webcam Athen Akropolis | Griechenland

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Mostar webkamera – Die Alte Brücke über den Fluss Neretva

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Paris Webcam – Tour Eiffelturm

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Fanes Hütte webcam Gadertal Dolomiten

Italien / Trentino-Südtirol / St. Vigil in Enneberg / Fanes Hütte webcam Gadertal Dolomiten

Col d’Ancona webcam – St. Martin in Thurn – Dolomiten – Kronplatz

Italien / Trentino-Südtirol / St. Martin in Thurn / Col d’Ancona webcam – St. Martin in Thurn – Dolomiten – Kronplatz

Live Webcam Auronzo – Monte Agudo

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