Wake Park Jarun is a geographical wonder. Our warm and clean lake is situated one hour away from the Alps and offers an ideal climate. It is situated in the city of Zagreb (capital of Croatia) so it offers tons of sleeping options for the lowest prices in Croatia. Our 5 tower / 500 meters full size cable offers equipment rental, lessons, filming sessions, free clubbing entrances and free airport transfer from the Zagreb airport for cable waterski and wakeboard fans. The cable itself is very mellow making it ideal for learning new tricks.
Slowenien / Osrednjeslovenska / Polhov Gradec / Live Webcam Polhov Gradec – Slowenien
Slowenien / Gorenjska / Wochein / Vogel webcam kamera – Brunarica – Slowenien
Spanien / Katalonien / Tossa de Mar / LIVE kamera Tossa De Mar – Katalonien – Costa Brava – Spanien
Kroatien / Istrien / Brtonigla / Istralandia webcam – Six water slide square
Slowenien / Goriška / Nova Gorica / Webcam EuropaPlatz Nova Gorica / Transalpina Platz Gorizia – Görz
Italien / Sardinien / Santa Teresa Gallura / La Liccia Strand webcam Rena Majore – Santa Teresa Gallura live cam Sardinien
Kroatien / Split-Dalmatien / Split / Split Riva Live webcam panorama
Slowenien / Obalno-Kraška / Portorož / Seča – Panorama