The aquarium is settled in the 130 year old fortress Verudela, part of the once mighty Austro-Hungarian defence compound Fortress Pula. Today, the fortress is inhabited by 100 species of north and south Adriatic fish, 50 species from tropical seas and fresh waters, as well as fish from Croatian rivers and lakes. Meet the sea turtles recovering in the Centre, along with the albino Gourami, Horseshoe crab (a living fossil), coral reef sharks, big rays and groupers, scary muraenas, timid mullets and all the other animals that have found their home in rooms, hallways and tunnels once used by soldiers.
Slowenien / Obalno-Kraška / Koper / KJD BUM ŽUSTERNA webcam Windsurfing – Koper – Slowenien
Slowenien / Osrednjeslovenska / Laibach / Live Webcam Zebras in Ljubljana ZOO – Slowenien
Kroatien / Gespanschaft Zagreb / Zagreb - Center / Zoo Zagreb – Löwen
Slowenien / Osrednjeslovenska / Laibach / Schwarzweiße Vari Zoo Ljubljana webcam
Kroatien / Gespanschaft Zagreb / Zagreb - Center / Zoo Zagreb – Haubenkapuziner
Slowenien / Osrednjeslovenska / Laibach / Löwe live Webcam im Zoo von Ljubljana – Slowenien
Kroatien / Karlovac / Karlstadt / AQUATIKA Karlovac – FRISCHES WASSER Aquarium web kameras
Slowenien / Osrednjeslovenska / Laibach / Webcam Zoo Ljubljana – Giraffen
Kroatien / Gespanschaft Zagreb / Zagreb - Center / Zoo Zagreb – Erdmännchen