Karlstad – Lana Zentrum und Peter-Zrinski-Straße


Hosted By & Offer

A city on four rivers (Korana, Kupa, Mrežnica, Dobra) is 55 km from the capital, and its favourable position at the intersection of major thoroughfares make it suitable for a short break on a journey towards the sea. However, it’s also an attractive destination for relaxation and entertainment. Formerly known as Karlstadt, it was built in the 16th century for defensive purpose against the Turkish conquerors and is a unique urban centre that takes the form of a six-pointed star. There are definitely things to be seen in Karlovac: the old town of Dubovac that was built in the 13th century, the Town Museum, Church of Presveto Trojstvo and the Franciscan monastery with a gallery, the towns theatre Zorin dom and some of the galleries. At the feudal fair in Dubovac, old crafts, customs and games are presented with dishes that are prepared according to old recipes.


Seen auf dem Fluss Slunjčica in Rastoke

Kroatien / Karlovac / Slunj / Seen auf dem Fluss Slunjčica in Rastoke

Karlovac – Musikpavillon

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Webcam Ogulin panorama

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Webcam Ogulin center

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Ogulin webkamera panorama

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Ogulin webcam

Kroatien / Karlovac / Ogulin / Ogulin webcam


Korčula – Große Revelin

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Rijeka – Der Blick auf Trsat und Sušak

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Amphitheater Pula

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PIRAN Webcam | Strandpromenade Punta | Hotel Piran

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Strand Fažana webcam – Istrien – Kroatien

Kroatien / Istrien / Fažana / Strand Fažana webcam – Istrien – Kroatien

Webcam Dražgoše

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Webcam Athen Akropolis | Griechenland

Griechenland / Attika / Athen / Webcam Athen Akropolis | Griechenland

Opatija webcam – Panorama vom Hotel Milenij

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Jelsa webcam Hvar – Panorama

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Zoo Zagreb – Löwen

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Live Webcam Zebras in Ljubljana ZOO – Slowenien

Slowenien / Osrednjeslovenska / Laibach / Live Webcam Zebras in Ljubljana ZOO – Slowenien

Zoo Ljubljana webcam Löwen

Slowenien / Osrednjeslovenska / Laibach / Zoo Ljubljana webcam Löwen

Zoo Zagreb – Erdmännchen

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Webcam Zoo Ljubljana – Giraffen

Slowenien / Osrednjeslovenska / Laibach / Webcam Zoo Ljubljana – Giraffen

Live cam Zoo Ljubljana – Erdmännchen

Slowenien / Osrednjeslovenska / Laibach / Live cam Zoo Ljubljana – Erdmännchen

Totenkopfaffen – Saimiri ZOO Ljubljana webcam

Slowenien / Osrednjeslovenska / Laibach / Totenkopfaffen – Saimiri ZOO Ljubljana webcam

Vogelfutterhäuschen im ZOO webcam Ljubljana

Slowenien / Osrednjeslovenska / Laibach / Vogelfutterhäuschen im ZOO webcam Ljubljana

Webcam Vogelfutterhäuschen im ZOO Ljubljana

Slowenien / Osrednjeslovenska / Laibach / Webcam Vogelfutterhäuschen im ZOO Ljubljana

Löwe live Webcam im Zoo von Ljubljana – Slowenien

Slowenien / Osrednjeslovenska / Laibach / Löwe live Webcam im Zoo von Ljubljana – Slowenien