The view is from the luxurious Villa Aqua looking along the Bay of Milna on the island of Brac which is a favourite with yachtsmen amongst the Dalmatian Islands
Italien / Piemont / Roburent / Live Webcam San Giacomo di Roburent – Skigebiet Bric Colmé – Piemont – Italien
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Slowenien / Obalno-Kraška / Sečovlje / Naturpark der Salinen von Sečovlje
Slowenien / Gorenjska / Tržič / Berghütte Kofce – 1488m
Kroatien / Split-Dalmatien / Igrane / Webcam Igrane – hafen
Slowenien / Osrednjeslovenska / Medvode / Medvode | Cerkev sv. Marjete
Spanien / Valencia / Benidorm / Live webcam Benidorm Strand levante – Rincón de Loix – Spanien
Kroatien / Split-Dalmatien / Podgora / Meeres – Podgora
Sint Maarten / Saint Martin / Simpson Bay / Maho webcam Strand – Sint Marteen kamera