Nova Gorica, a small town at the border with Italy, has been the heart of the sunny Goriška region for almost six decades. It has grown after the World War II as a substitute town for Gorizia, which remained on the other side of the border. It is a town with a mild climate, green and blooming all year round, young, lively and friendly to the local people and visitors from all over the world.
Italien / Sardinien / Alghero / Live Webcam Strand Maia Pia – Alghero – Sardinien – Italien
Kroatien / Dubrovnik-Neretva / Opuzen / LIVE webcam Komin Kiteboarding Neretva web kamera
Slowenien / Gorenjska / Kranjska Gora / RTC Skigebiet Kranjska Gora | Brsnina
Italien / Sardinien / Giba / Strand Porto Botte webcam | Sardinien
Slowenien / Gorenjska / Wochein / Vogel webcam kamera – Brunarica – Slowenien
Italien / Trentino-Südtirol / Abtei / Live webcam – Heilig Kreuz – Abtei – Lee Hütte – Dolomiten – Italy