The small fisher port south of Punta de Abona offers quiet athmosphere in a certain distance of the big tourist resorts.
Notable are the bizarre rock formations near the beach. In this webcam you can look place near children park where you can find tipic restaurant fresch fish
Kroatien / Dubrovnik-Neretva / Račišće-Korčula / Račišće – Korčula Insel
Slowenien / Obalno-Kraška / Koper / Live-Webcam Koper – Panoramablick auf Stadt und Hafen – Slowenien
Kroatien / Lika-Senj / Senj / Webcam Senj
Kroatien / Split-Dalmatien / Bol / Webcam Bol – Brač – Vladimira Nazora strasse
Kroatien / Gespanschaft Zagreb / Zagreb - Center / Zagreb Live Webcam Platz Bana Jelačić