Bohinj is a valley that stretches from Soteska to Ukanc. On the south side, it is enclosed by the Lower Bohinj Mountains, which rise to 2.000 meters, and on the north by the Triglav mountain range with Mount Triglav, Slovenia`s highest mountain (2864 m). Bohinj is divided into the Upper and Lower Bohinj valley. There are twenty-four villages in these two valleys. Bohinj is one of the most beautiful places in the heart of the Julian Alps and in Triglav National Park.
Espana / Andalusia / Cadiz / Webcam Cadiz – Fuente de la plaza de Sevilla
Croacia / Split-Dalmacia / Baška Voda / Baška Voda en vivo Playa Podluka
Eslovenia / Obalno-Kraška / Koper / Camera en vivo Črni Kal Viaducto – Viki Burger
Italia / Friuli-Venecia Julia / Trieste / Camera en vivo Trieste – Piazza Unità – Italia
Eslovenia / Alta Carniola / Gorenja Vas / Live Webcam Gorenja Vas – Eslovenia
Eslovenia / Osrednjeslovenska / Medvode / Medvode – Sava y Zbilje Lago
Croacia / Zadar / Ražanac / Camping Odmoree camera en vivo Ražanac – Dalmacia
Italia / Trentino-Alto Adige / San Vigilio di Marebbe / San Vigilio di Marebbe camera en vivo Fanes – 2.060m Dolomitas
Eslovenia / Alta Carniola / Kranj / Camera en vivo Sveti Jošt nad Kranjem