Piran is the old port city in Slovenian Istra. The city is bilingual, Italian and Slovenian. The Italian name for the city is Pirano. It is situated in the cape of the Piran peninsula. Piran has kept its medieval appearance with narrow streets and closely built houses, which gives it a typical Mediterranean character and special charm. – Enjoy with this Amazing Livestreaming webcam Piran Punta – Whatsupcams
Italia / Liguria / Chiavari / Live Chiavari camera en vivo Villa Oneto – Leivi
Croacia / Split-Dalmacia / Jelsa-Hvar / Jelsa camera en vivo Hvar isla
Italia / Cerdeña / Santa Teresa Gallura / Webcam en vivo Capo Testa la playa de 2 mar – Santa Teresa Gallura – livecam Sardinia
Italia / Trentino-Alto Adige / Brunico / Snowpark Kronplatz webcam en vivo
Eslovenia / Eslovenia Sudoriental / Kočevje / Camera en vivo Lago Kočevje
Italia / Cerdeña / Santa Teresa Gallura / Camera en vivo San Pasquale – Santa Teresa Gallura – Cerdeña webcam
Eslovenia / Alta Carniola / Jesenice / Webcam en Golica (1582 m) – Eslovenia