Aerodrom Portoroz is the third international airport in Slovenia with a 1200-metre asphalt runway. It is suitable for all types of aircraft under the VFR and IFR rules with up to 25 tons of maximum take-off weight. The airport features an aviation gasoline and kerosene service, hangar, flight school, eco aircraft washing service, restaurant with an outdoor terrace, Duty Free Shop, parking area, post office, etc. It is renowned for the beautiful panoramic flights and parachute jumps. Due the mild climate, the airport is an ideal place for pilot eduaction and training throughout the year.
Eslovenia / Goriška / Dobrovo / Camera en vivo Šmartno Brda – Hotel San Martin
Italia / Cerdeña / Cardedu / Camera en vivo playa Museddu – Ogliastra – Cerdeña – Italia
Eslovenia / Goriška / Nova Gorica / Castillo de Kromberk – Nova Gorica
Italia / Friuli-Venecia Julia / Tarvisio / Tarvisio en vivo – ciclovía e Mangart
Italia / Cerdeña / Sant'Antioco / Windsurfing Club Sa Barra camera en vivo Sant’Antioco – Cerdeña – Italia
Croacia / Primorje-Gorski Kotar / Vrbovsko / Camera en vivo Cañón Kamačnik – Vrbovsko – Croacia
Grecia / Egeo Meridional / Myconos / Camera en vivo Mykonos – puerto nuevo
Croacia / Primorje-Gorski Kotar / Mali Lošinj / Cámara web de la isla de Unije: explore la belleza de la joya escondida de Croacia
Eslovenia / Obalno-Kraška / Piran / Piran – view to Punta and Mandrač