One of the prettiest port towns in the Caribbean, the capital city of St. George’s curves along a horseshoe-shaped harbor backed by volcanic hills. This colorful capital is popular with yachters who dock in the busy harbor of Carenage. Brick and stone buildings with red tiled roofs line the streets where locals sell spices and crafts. One of the main attractions in the city is Fort George, built by the French in the early 18th century, and Fort Frederick offers beautiful views of St. George’s.
Croacia / Istria / Mošćenička Draga / Cámara web de la playa de Brseč en Mošćenička Draga, Croacia
Croacia / Zadar / Ražanac / Camping Odmoree camera en vivo Ražanac – Dalmacia
Eslovenia / Alta Carniola / Železniki / Cámara web en vivo estación de esquí Rudno – Eslovenia
Croacia / Split-Dalmacia / Tučepi / Camera en vivo Tučepi – Hotel Tamaris – Croacia
Espana / Canarias / Las Palmas de Gran Canaria / Camera en vivo Playa Las Canteras – Las Palmas
Eslovenia / Alta Carniola / Kranjska Gora / Estación de esquí Kranjska Gora | Velika Dolina
Croacia / Condado de Zagreb / Jastrebarsko / Camera en vivo Japetić – Jastrebarsko
Italia / Cerdeña / Arzachena / Webcam en vivo Cannigione – Arzachena – Cerdeña – Italia livecam
Eslovenia / Obalno-Kraška / Portorož / Grand Hotel Bernardin – camera en vivo