Camera is located in Mokusnice, at a junction of the main city highway and Armije BiH and Talica Brdo streets. This is one of the most frequent locations, situated between Zenica prison complex and Preporod cultural center on one and Mokusnice apartment blocks with several bars on another side.
Croatie / Šibenik-Knin / Šibenik / Webcam Šibenik – place Poljana
Italie / Latium / Rome / Rome Livecam – Vittoriano webcam – Autel de La Patrie
Italie / Vénétie / Caorle / CAORLE vieille Ville webcam | Caorle souvent appelée la Petite Venise
Croatie / Comitat de Zagreb / Samobor / Webcam Samobor – Place principale
Italie / Latium / Gaeta / Gaeta – Fontaine de San Francesco