This HD webcam is located on the beach of Las Canteras, one of the best city beaches in the world thanks to its mild and stable climate. The beach is surrounded by the – surf city – of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Gran Canaria island, Canary Islands) and by the Confital Bay, a magical place full of waves, beaches, sun and fun.
Italie / Sardaigne / Posada / Webcam en direct Plage de Posada – Sardaigne – Italie
Italie / Emilia-Romagna / Riccione / Webcam météo de Riccione – Plage Zona 3
Italie / Emilia-Romagna / Riccione / Riccione webcam plage et jardins La Malfa – Bagni Oreste plage 115
Italie / Vénétie / Bibione / La webcam de la plage de Bibione – Zenith
Italie / Sardaigne / Stintino / Livecam plage Le Saline Stintino | Sardaigne
Italie / Sardaigne / Oristano / Is Arutas livecam plage | Oristano – Sardaigne
Croatie / Zadar / Silba / Silba webcam
Croatie / Lika-Senj / Novalja-Pag / Novalja livecam – plage de la ville