Trg Leona Stuklja (Leon Stukelj Square) is located in the centre of Maribor. It is a new square, which was opened in 2011. It is named by Leon Stukelj (1898 – 1999), famous gymnast, Oylmpic gold medalist and lawyer. He represents an important figure in the history of sports in Slovenia. The square was designed with the closure of Svetozarevska street and through the merger with the former square Viktor Kraigher. The Leon Stukelj Square is the largest town square in Slovenia, it has 9000 square meters.
Slovénie / Goriška / Nova Gorica / Webcam Edvard Kardelj carre | Nova Gorica
Croatie / Požega-Slavonie / Požega / Požega live cam
Croatie / Koprivnica-Križevci / Koprivnica / Webcam Koprivnica – Zrinski trg
Croatie / Split-Dalmatie / Gradac / Drvenik – Dalmatie webcam en direct en Croatie
Croatie / Istrie / Novigrad / Live webcam Novigrad – Veliki Trg (grande place) – Piazza Grande
Croatie / Požega-Slavonie / Požega / Webcam Požega – place Svetog Trojstva