The camera covers the space in front of the City Arena Zenica, including its entrance and a section of the parking area Shopping centre Dzananovic.The camera shows Aleja Sehida street and city park Kamberovica Polje too. In the background it shows Crkvice and Usce (above), highway M17 (left), Bosnia river and Ezhera Arnautovica boulevard (right).
Grecia / Attica / Atene / Webcam Atene Acropoli | Grecia
Italia / Lazio / Roma / Live webcam Vaticano – Piazza San Pietro – Roma
Croazia / Spalatino-dalmata / Macarsca / Webcam live -Lungomare di Macarsca
Croazia / Regione di Zagabria / Zagreb - Center / Webcam Zagabria Ban Jelacic piazza | Croazia
Italia / Lombardia / Livigno / Webcam LIVIGNO Centro oggi Diretta
Croazia / Spalatino-dalmata / Gelsa-Lesina / Gelsa (Jelsa) – isola di Lesina (Hvar)
Croazia / Spalatino-dalmata / Bascavoda / Lungomare di Basca Voda webcam