The city of Piran situated in beautiful Slovenia. It is one of the three major towns of Slovenian Istria. The town has much medieval architecture, with narrow streets and compact houses. Piran is the administrative centre of the local area and one of Slovenia’s major tourist attractions. Until the mid-20th century, Italian was the dominant language, but was replaced by Slovene as demographics shifted.
Croazia / Litoraneo-montana / Fume / La Riva e la Marina a Rijeka (Fiume) – Live Webcam Croazia
Italia / Friuli-Venezia Giulia / Trieste / Webcam Marina Trieste – Yacht club Adriatico
Spagna / Valencia / Valencia / Webcam Valencia – Calle de la Paz – Costa Blanca – Spagna
Croazia / Sisak e Moslavina / Petrinja / Live webcam parco Petrinja – dopo il terremoto
Croazia / Litoraneo-montana / Fume / Fiume – Piazza Adriatica
Italia / Friuli-Venezia Giulia / Tarvisio / Tarvisio – Piazza Unità / Parrocchia SS.Pietro e Paolo Apostoli
Croazia / Istria / Pola / Arena di Pola